Manal Haddad

What Makes a Good Leader?

We’ve seen them all; the overbearing boss, the one that does too little and the one who just wants to be your friend. While these may be found in their natural habitats quite often, there is always that one elusive beacon of hope that stands out from among them. That would be the leader; the one that others look up to and want to follow.

This however is easier said than done and one thing you need to understand is that you can’t win them all over even if you’re perfect.

Excellent Communication Skills

This is perhaps the most important factor that determines the success of a leader. A good leader always keeps the lines of communication open on both ends. Primarily, a good leader should know how to describe to their employees what is expected from them in a clear and concise manner. If you want your vision translated into a reality, then your employees should know just how to get there.

Positive Attitude

Your employees will look to you to gauge their reactions and your attitude will shape that of the rest of the employees in the company. While you can’t expect them to be positive at all times, you need to remember that they won’t value your vision if you don’t show your enthusiasm.

Ability to Effectively Delegate

Most leaders think that they are supermen and can handle everything at once. Even Clark Kent needs a day off now and then. It is tempting to take care of tasks yourself to make sure they are done perfectly but pedantry can have a negative effect. When you share responsibility with your employees it will garner mutual trust and increase the strength of your business unit.


The workplace has a tendency to become monotonous leading towards the same tasks day in and day out. Be the leader who thinks outside the box. This quality will not only keep things interesting around the workplace but also translate in your goals.

Sense of Direction

Understand what you are working towards in your leadership position. Your personal goals should be in cohesion with that of the company. A well defined goal will help you create paths that lead to it along with your team.


A committed leader is always great to work with. They inspire camaraderie and hard work as employees love seeing a boss who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty along with the rest of them. You need to understand that being a leader doesn’t mean you get to kick back as your team handles the drudge work.


Leadership is not for the meek. Be confident in who you are and what you stand for. You need to be aware of the effect you have on your team’s confidence. Setbacks and failures are just as frequent as successes. This doesn’t mean that you should become disheartened and lose hope. A captain with that attitude might as well take the entire ship down with him.

Stay calm and confident in your demeanor and the team will reflect the same behavior.

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