Manal Haddad

The Art of Impressing Your Mobile Customers

There are pretty good chances that you’re reading this blog on your mobile. Statistics say that over 50% of all the traffic reaching websites is from mobile devices. Businesses that understand the vitality of online marketing ensure a seamless user experience across all platforms – be it PC, laptop, tablets and smart phones.

Given the high percentage of online users visiting websites via smart phones, you must ensure delighting your visitors, instead of frustrating them with a mediocre mobile browsing experience.

Here are some essential tips that can leave your mobile customers impressed with a breeze mobile experience:

Simple Color Selection

The color palette you utilize on your website directly impacts the smart phone conversion rates. That’s because some colors encourage online users to take instant action. Apart from that, simple and basic selection of colors facilitates a cleaner, more seamless mobile user experience.  Typically, mobile users prefer least-complicated designs that create a simple yet memorable experience.

Moreover, the colors you choose to use on the call-to-action buttons can help drive conversion rates. For instance, green and red colors are known to be the highest-performing CTA button colors.

Mobile-Focused Customer Service

When encountering problems, online visitors seek immediate answers. Preferably, they want the answers to be present on your website. Therefore, along with having a dedicated FAQ section on your website, it is a good practice to have some customer support options available.

From a very basic contact form to a live chat option, there are a number of convenient ways through which you can encourage queries from your online customers. Setting up a live chat is as simple as a finger-tap. Moreover, contact forms can be submitted at the website in no more than a few seconds (if you have fewer fields to be filled).

Be Careful with Images and Fonts

When browsing a website via a mobile device, speed is critical. That’s because mobile users usually don’t have the patience to wait for a website to load and exhibit content and images. Therefore, it’s best to completely avoid making use of redundant images. Also, prefer simple and easy-to-read fonts. Utilizing fancy fonts that integrate shadow and similar effects hamper the load time tremendously.  Moreover, mobile users like minimalism. Access some of the most popular websites and see how they’ve utilized plain fonts, flat designs etc. That’s because they encourage conversion.

Simple. Accessible. Speedy. That’s how mobile experiences should be. For more tips on marketing for small businesses, leadership developments, and social media tricks, keep reading my latest blog posts.

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