Manal Haddad

SEO Trends: What’s in for 2017?

Imagine business as a game. And being a business owner, you must utilize any kind of tools available at hand to beat the competition. Needless to say, SEO is one of the most critical tools, particularly if you’re an online business owner.

Modern online businesses cannot survive with Search Engine Optimization. Therefore, if you want your business to attain and maintain a competitive advantage, being careful of the subtle modifications in SEO trends is crucial. Only then you will be able to modify your marketing campaigns, aligning them with the current trends.

So, as we welcome the New Year 2017, let’s have a quick look at what you must expect from the SEO trends:

Improved Quality Content and ‘Density’

Each day you browse through numerous websites and come across similar content, with slight variations in wording. Google, Yahoo and a number of other search engines have noticed that as well.

Trust us; everyone is tired of this monotony.

So, what’s the solution? The answer is improving content density. And that’s only possible if attempts are made at optimizing the per word value of the content.

Consider this: if you write a 5,000 word article that elaborates on Facebook marketing, the real value you deliver per word would be quite low. The idea of content density is to work on the function more than the form. This could be achieved by providing similar or greater value in a 500 word article.

According to all the SEO authorities, content density is expected to see a rise in the coming year.

More Brands will Opt for Personal Branding

What’s the ultimate online secret weapon? Currently, it’s personal branding. Most entrepreneurs we know today are multi-millionaires primarily because they have a personal brand. From Casey Neistat, to Danielle LaPorte and other popular YouTubers, these are all bright examples showcasing the real power of personal branding. Without selling products/services, they earn more than some of the most successful entrepreneurs today.

Remember, personal branding is not limited to YouTube. You can effectively utilize it to improve success chances of your SEO campaigns. There are a number of benefits of having an established personal brand, including:

  • Securing guest posts,
  • Boosting the trust and engagement of users, and
  • Driving greater amount of traffic to your website.

It is unfortunate that very few companies are leveraging on this tactic. However in 2017, it is expected that more and more companies will opt for personal branding.

In addition, it is anticipated that User Experience Optimization (UEO) will be used synonymously with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Therefore, businesses must invest in SEO heavily to improve UEO. For more insights on the upcoming year’s sales & marketing tips, leadership development tips and business management improvement trends, stay connected.

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