Manal Haddad

Sales Strategies that will Make Your Business Grow in 2016

Your sales force is crucial for the success of your business and without proper sales strategies, your entire company will fail to grow or even make an impact in 2016. In order to make your company grow, you will need to have a meeting with your sales team and discuss the strategies that need to be taken into account for the new year.

Evaluate Your 2015 Sales Report

How can you make strategies for the new year when you don’t know how you did last year? In order to find out what needs to be done, you need to look at your 2015 sales report. This report will give you all the details of your company’s sales and the strategies that worked and the ones that did not work. This report will also give you a clear idea of the strategies that you couldn’t ace.

Your annual sales report will also tell you about your best and worse customers, which will give you a clear idea of which customers you need to focus on and which you need to let go. You can also clearly find out which part of your sales cycle is causing a problem. Things like these are crucial to know before laying strategies for the future and strategies designed after analysis of the previous report will give you highly targeted results as well.

Look at Company Goals and Set Some New Ones

Without a goal in mind, how can you expect to be successful or grow your company? Before you start planning what your sales team needs to do, you need to first consider your company’s goals and set some new ones based on the previous year’s sales report. Ask yourself, where you want to see your company in 12 months and then come up with strategies keeping in mind the original goals as well. Do not be afraid to set bigger goals because even if you do not achieve them, you might come really close to achieving them.

Analyze Different Customer Profiles

Customers are the most important aspect of your sales funnel because without them you cannot make anything sell. Therefore, you need to collect your customer profiles and separate them into three groups; poor, good, and best customers. With every type of customer in front of you, you can easily make profiles and strategies to sell your products and services in a more accurate way.

Customer Purchase Journey

It is important to find out how and why your customers end up buying your products and services. You need to find out the different steps they take before purchasing from you because that’s where you can set strategies to enhance their journey. Study the motivation your customers have when they sing up for your newsletter or subscribe to your updates. Looking into things like these will tell you more about your customers and how they eventually end up buying from you. So, focus on strategies that ease your customers’ buying journey.


These sales strategies will ensure that you are targeting your customers in the most effective way and are heading in the right direction in 2016.

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