Manal Haddad

Personalization Tactics that Improve Marketing Practices and Sales

Personalization has played a huge role in not only meeting the right target audience but also in improving the sales of a business. Big industry retailers like eBay and are renowned for their personalization tactics and even Facebook ads have started becoming smarter, linking with a user’s product history to recommend certain products to them.

While personalization was something new, its growing impact and the results it has given in improving sales all point to the fact that the trend is growing. For this reason, the following are a few personalization tactics that you should incorporate in your marketing practices to improve sales.

Product Recommendations

When shopping for a product, providing recommendations based on the buyer’s history can make a huge impact. This is one practice that has definite facts backing it up. Amazon and eBay both use this technique and many other websites have followed suit. For first time visitors to a site, this is a useful way to find out the various products that are available and how they can end up buying products that will go with their current offering.

For example: If someone is shopping for coloring books, you might get a recommendation for color pencils or markers to go with it.

Giving them a Freebie

Freebies and online discounts based on the purchasing habits of certain users can be useful for increasing sales. This is something that many sites use to increase their exposure and reach their target audience with ease. Sephora, M.A.C and other beauty and retail products offer freebies and discounts that have buyers coming back for more. Apart from freebies, online buyers are also fans of personalized deals that businesses offer for special occasions and more.

For example: You can include free shipping, a discount of 20% or include a voucher as well. You can also incorporate different buy one get one free deals for the buyer. Lush cosmetics incorporate a policy where if users of their products bring back four empty tubs of their masks, they get to receive a tub of mask completely free.

This not only encourages people to buy more and save money, but it also goes with Lush’s company policy of being a company that focuses on being green, organic and recyclable.

Live Chat and Chat Bots

Live chats and chatbots are becoming more popularly utilized since they help improve the quality of the service provided to them. Since everyone is seeking instant assistance when it comes to certain problems, it has been found that live chat and chatbots help to deal with these. In fact, data indicates that 92% of users prefer live chat over email support, telephone or social media support.

Similarly, 79% of users stated that they used live chat owing to the instant response they got for their problems. At the end of the day, with the number backing it up, live chat and chatbots are beginning to make a bigger impact on allowing businesses to offer personalized services to maximize their sales.

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