Manal Haddad

Marketing and Customer Loyalty

The filmmakers of First Knight did a great job in capturing acutely the theme of loyalty and commitment in the scene when Guinevere professed to love King Arthur not for his crown but with her body, heart, and soul.

Individuals and entrepreneurs have come a long way in devising ways to capture the hearts of millions of people. A business conducted is considered a successful one as long as it has the ability to win big with their prospects and customers. What drives this loyalty, this vow to be together “for better or for worse”? What does it take for a brand to fashion out of nowhere and become one of the most passionately followed, boast of universal appeal, and produce the desired results?

Understanding the Emotional Connection

When you offer your clients respect in return for their love, you are in fact being recognized for cultivating customer loyalty. When you learn to appreciate their presence for the fact that they can get you financial success, you will leave no stone unturned to keep them satisfied. Customer loyalty ensures a definite action on their part, i.e. to return and repurchase. This is what most marketing is all about.

The perception that the company does care about them, have actually invested in their well-being, is a priority for most people out there using your product or shopping and purchasing it at the time. They seek to feel special from your attention. It makes your brand and restrains them from abandoning you.

Business is connected to these individual opinions in a directly proportional rate. The social media depicts very clearly how the word-of-mouth advertising manipulates the way a brand is received and accepted by a society. Delivering a positive interaction consistently and on a personal level then becomes the key to being distinguished from the rest and for your customers to be loyal to you. You would improve on quality and the masses would respond automatically to this superiority. You can experience your marketing expanding from simply acquisition to the reintroduction and reinforcement stages when they keep coming back to you to sample and buy.

A loyalty program helps you know who your VIPs are so you can reward them, improve on your customer service and know who to target and persuade to return to your place. Continuous research of your market helps you plan the reintroduction of your brand in creative ways. Any negative feedback coming through must be appreciated since it improves the long-term strategy of your program.

Your Approach to Marketing

Getting them on-board was the difficult part. Getting them involved has been made easier if you know the right tricks. One popular technique in the digital age is to use ways that appeal to their competitive drives. This can, for example, rewards for answering a survey. The contests even work with just offering them an opportunity to get that self-gratification when they solve it through. From fast-food restaurants to smartphone companies, everybody has incorporated this in some form or another. If the app is social and integrates with their other shopping habits, you have a bonus. The people are active and engaged.

Mere satisfaction isn’t enough now to build the loyal clientele. Marketing and customer loyalty are the behavior-modifying techniques that makes people prone to your services. Managed the right way, they are your powerful assets for customer retention and, hence, your revenue.

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