Manal Haddad

Leadership Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2017

With the New Year coming up, it is essential to keep an eye on all the changes that it will bring with it.

As a leader, it is always necessary to keep an eye on the trends that make an impact on the professional environment and think of their impact and significance on the future of the company. Among the many trends, the following are a few leadership trends that one needs to keep an eye on in 2017.

We Instead of Me

There’s been a change in the way teams perform and it has proven that leaders that cultivate a ‘we’mentality produce better results than the ones who have a more ‘me’mentality. By focusing more on leveraging the power of a group towards the company goals together, it is possible to easily accomplish most goals. While not everyone might be on board, the decision doesn’t hinge on one person and it is possible to get more work achieved. This also creates a bond between a business and its employees, promoting camaraderie and enhancing teamwork as well.

Attention to Curiosity

Whether it’s a curiosity in your customers or curiosity in your business proceedings, leaders are beginning to harvest it to their benefit. Organizational curiosity is one of the ways that a business can increase its exposure since their customers are going to be curious about learning more. It also fosters an environment of creativity and innovation as employees that are curious are more interested in learning how they can work to help and increase the business in a healthy manner.

Investing in Human Capital

While investing in your workforce is always a great idea, in 2017, it is going to play a huge role. Many leaders are looking to invest in their employees since one of the major motivating factors for most people is personal growth and development. People want to work and learn while experiencing new things. Businesses that conduct workshops and other training sessions provide more growth and learning opportunities to their employees. This also improves employee retention too and businesses are finally learning to pay more attention to it as well.


Catering to their clientele on a personal basis is one way that businesses have started to appeal to their target markets. Research has showcases that more people are looking for brands and businesses that don’t only appeal to their minds but also appeal to their hearts as well. Due to this, personalizing a business is one way through which many small businesses have started to cut down on their competition by focusing more on this aspect. With more and more businesses beginning to accommodate this feature, it looks like personalization is going to play a huge role in 2017.

While there are plenty of different leadership trends, these four are going to be the ones that seem to not only carry on from 2016, they also show signs of increasing in strength and producing better results in the New Year.

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