Manal Haddad

Generating Sales Through Your Website

Why have you set up a website? The core goal of every entrepreneur is the same. Target the online and tech-savvy audience and entice them to buy from you. But obviously, none of your potential customers will buy from you just like that. There’s a whole process involved – the buyer’s journey. This involves taking them through the different stages, informing and educating them until they trust you enough to choose you over your competition.

What role does your website play in this regard? Your website serves to provide information to your target audience while also sharing your product portfolio, expertise, credentials and contact details. During the design phase, you set up lead magnets and conversion elements, which work to drive traffic and generate sales. In all this, website design has a powerful impact and significantly influences actions and decisions.

So what elements or pointers should you focus on to increase sales through the website? Let’s take a look.

The Color

Colors are an important aspect of optimizing websites for sales. According to research, changing the color of the CTA button increases conversion by 21%. Consider your target audience when choosing colors. If most of your potential customers are female, you should go with pink, purple and coral shades. If you offer products for men, go with blues and greens. White, black and other neutral colors work for both.

What if you’re a B2B company? Color still plays a role. Keep the color psychology in mind and remember that opposite hues on the color wheel complement each other the most.


Some companies have reported an astonishing increase of 144% after hosting product videos on their websites. Most of these videos are how-to guides. But if you’re a service based company, you can still have videos. Share your brand story, explain why you’re different and interview satisfied clients in the videos.

Adding images and infographics can also help you increase sales through your website.

Easy Usage

What is the most important information on your website? Put it above the fold. People don’t like scrolling down, so make sure that everything that is important fits the screen.

Also, ensure that navigation is simple. Make it easy to find information and avoid increasing the number of pages unnecessarily.

Trust Symbols

Certain logos and symbols make you appear as a trustworthy and reliable brand. So do put these on your website. Testimonials play a similar role. Also, have a section dedicated to case studies to share the success of your current clients. It increases both credibility and authority.

Short Forms

Want to get contact details or other important information from the consumers? Keep the forms as short as you can. Two to three fields should be enough in most cases.


So which of the above tips have worked best for you to increase sales through your website? Do let us know!

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