Manal Haddad

How to Gain More Followers on Twitter

Twitter is perhaps the most powerful social media site there out there. The character limit ensures that people avoid typing in irrelevant details so that all things can be to the point. Twitter is a great platform for anyone who has something to say, and many businesses have used Twitter to grow their customer base. But the impact you get from your tweets depends on the number of people following you on Twitter.

Here are some tried and tested tips that can help you get more Twitter followers (without having to buy them, of course)

Tweet More Often

It’s simple: The more interesting a Twitter account is, the more followers it will get. Accounts that are inactive are boring and so if you want more followers on twitter than you need to be more active on the site. Being active will also help you discover more people who share your interests and get you used to the things that work on Twitter – the #Hashtags, the @Replies and DMs (Direct Messages).

Follow the Right people

When you are trying to increase your social media influence, both quality and quantity matter. The more followers you have, the more chances there are of people liking and retweeting your tweets. However, it is also important that you follow (and get followed by) the people who share your interests and tweet on similar topics.

To increase your followers on Twitter, you need to follow back your followers and follow popular accounts that tweet topics of your interest. It is also a good idea to follow the accounts that Twitter suggests you follow.

Get Re-tweeted by popular accounts

The greater the number of followers a Twitter account has, the more popular it will be considered. To gain more followers on Twitter, you should try interacting with popular accounts, so you have a chance of being retweeted by them. This means that more Twitter users will see your tweet, and increases your chance of being followed by more people.

Create an impressive profile

Before clicking the ‘follow’ button on the right of your profile, people will probably look at your profile picture and your profile description to judge if you are worth following. To get more followers on twitter, try to come up with a profile description that makes you sound interesting.

Use Relevant Hashtags

When you click on a hashtag, you will be directed to a page which contains all the tweets in which that hashtag was used. Therefore, using relevant hashtags can get you noticed by people who are talking tweeting about the same topic as you, which can increase your followers.

Tip: On Twitter, it is not a good idea to #Tweet #Like #this since over usage of hashtags is plain annoying and can make people unfollow you.

Tweet Links

Why? Because usually, links = Strong sources. Using links increases the authenticity of your tweets, especially if you tweet on news or events. Twitter allows 100-word comments on the news so you can tell your followers of your reaction to whatever the link contains. For example, if you want to gain more traffic on your website or blog, you could post its link and write something that grabs the attention of your followers. Adding creative hashtags along with links serves the same purpose.

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