Manal Haddad

How Adding Personalization in Your Marketing Can Improve Your Sales

When it comes to marketing, every little bit you do makes an impact on your sales. From the tone of the content you’re sharing to the other general interactions, personalizing these aspects of your business does tend to make a difference in the outcome.

It’s not just about interaction either. One can personalize their website to give their consumers a better user experience as well.

Why Focus on Personalization?

Over the years, the focus has shifted from making consumers they have a need that the business fulfills to making them realize just how much a business values them. Consumers who feel valued and are working with a business that appeals to their brain and their heart are more likely to become faithful, return customers.

On average, most marketers have seen sales increase by as much as 20% when they are offering a personalized experience to them. Moreover, personalization is actually so simple that it is difficult to get this aspect wrong. Therefore, as an effective to target the right target audience, one can easily ensure that their marketing strategies bear more fruit too.

Improves Email Interactions

Email marketing is a huge means of improving business sales and serving as a means of interaction as well. Personalization in this aspect has proven to be fruitful and many businesses have experienced a conversion rate that is at least 42% higher than the conversions rates experienced with the help of personalization. Personalized email interactions are also responsible for increasing traffic to landing pages and data has showcased that they receive around 70% to 90% more traffic on average than traffic generated through generic emails.

Preference Based Suggestions

Everyone has their own tastes and preferences that make an impact on their shopping experience. For this reason, it is important to customize a customer’s shopping experience when according to their preferences. Successful examples of this are eBay, Amazon and other organizations like them that not only allow their users to customize their search results; they also have various suggestions to offer too. This not only increases the chances of making a sale, but it also eliminates the risk of annoying your consumers who would be annoyed receiving emails for things they have no interest in. On average, a whopping 74% of consumers are annoyed by this factor.

Builds a Human Connection

At the end of the day, most businesses have to establish a persona that not only works with their values and goals in mind; they also show that they value their consumers as well. Taco Bell, Nike, McDonalds, Dominoes and other brands always ensure that their marketing is focused on their consumers. Depending on the use of social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, most businesses can create a persona or a human connection that makes the business look less like a money making corporation and appear more human, more personal to their consumers. In the long run, businesses that have a human connection with their target audience can actually weather through various different business challenges with ease.

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