Manal Haddad

4 Ways you can Really Do Well on Email Subscriptions

Email marketing is a great tool for businesses to market their brands to their customers in a more personalized way. Although many marketers did not find email marketing relevant, this marketing platform is definitely very effective in terms of getting a response from customers and getting them to look at your offers.

However, it is not just about sending pointless emails in bulks to your list, but it is about making the right impact on your audiences’ minds. In order to get more email subscriptions, you need to follow some essential tips we have for you below:

1.    Collect Little Information

When you ask someone to subscribe to your newsletter or email list, you need to collect some details from them. But if you go overboard and ask them about their phone number and other personal details, there is a high chance they will leave your opt-in form as is.

Due to the recent major digital security breaches, people are more hesitant in giving out their information. So, make sure your opt-in form just asks for relevant information only. Anything other than the name and email address will not get you any subscribers.

2.    Design Undisruptive Opt-In Boxes

When someone visits your website, they will be looking at your content and based on the experience they get, they will either opt-in to your email subscription or just ignore everything and never return to your page ever again. If you are constantly bugging your visitors about opting-in, there is a high chance that they will get irritated and never ever opt-in to your email subscription.

The key is to make the opt-in box a part of your website that your visitors come across on their own. The best positions to place an opt-in box is at the top and bottom of the page. Remind them to opt-in without actually causing a nuisance.

3.    Offer Proof of your Popularity

When you are looking for a new place to eat, do you choose the restaurant with no one inside or the one that is packed? Seeing a packed restaurant is a sign that more people like the place. Similarly, if you show your visitors a proof of your popularity, they will be more interested in subscribing to your email list.

You can show them the proof of the number of subscribers that you have or the testimonials that customers have dropped for you. By doing so, you will be able to get more subscriptions.

4.    Offer Incentives

Who doesn’t like free stuff? Well, if you really want more people to subscribe to your email list, make sure you offer freebies. It might be bait, but it definitely works. Many websites offer free e-books to those who subscribe to their email list. It is best to offer something that your audience would want.


Email marketing is great for businesses looking to stay in touch with their customers. But the first step is to get people to subscribe to your email list. By following the tips given above, you will be able to create a proper email list and start targeting customers on a more individual level.

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