Manal Haddad

3 Reasons Why Your Corporate Culture Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy

More and more businesses are becoming social each day. A social business is one that relies on the use of social media to interact with their target audience. Not only has it given increased availability, but it has also placed an importance on showcasing transparency.

With transparency playing such a huge role, a business cannot be truly social on the outside if it does not show that it is social on the inside too. This is why the corporate culture of a business is important. As part of a marketing strategy, it plays a vital role too. Here are a few other reasons why your corporate culture should be a part of your marketing strategy.

1.   Upholds the Company’s Standards

Each company has its own standards and values that they uphold and the corporate culture can be the best way to showcase these. For Patron Tequila, their hashtag #PatronWorthy is one that is still popularly used. Crafted to show the company’s dedication to excellence, it shows in their decisions as well. The company incorporates the hashtag in their internal decisions too and ensures that project they work on is indeed #PatronWorthy

2.   Brings Good Resources

A good corporate culture emphasizes the company’s values and opens doors for various resources too. Whether a business works collaboratively with someone or exhibits values that make them appear fun, people will show more interest in them. For example, Google has an amazing corporate culture that emphasizes creativity, technology as well as focuses on improving the quality of life, not just for the consumers but for their workforce too. Their offices are even dog-friendly.

For this reason, many companies turn to Google for collaborative work in the tech industry. Moreover, Google also has access to an extremely vast talent pool since many people aspire to work for the company. It’s not just Google that has this, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft are all businesses that emphasize their corporate culture and have access to various resources because of it.

3.   Gives a More Human Approach

The corporate culture of a business brings a more human connection between the target audience and the business. Nokia’s catchphrase, Connecting People was also seamlessly blended into their marketing strategy and has led the way for various others such as Apple and Samsung to also devise their marketing in a manner when the corporate culture ties into their marketing strategies. A business doesn’t have to showcase their culture in this manner alone. A lot of BuzzFeed videos are crafted showing their team and the daily occurrences in their offices that not only make the videos fun, but it also makes the office culture look fun, human and interesting too.

At the end of the day, more people are becoming interested in and curious about the kind of business they are working with. Businesses that are transparent about their corporate culture are more likely to get benefits that help them stand out among their competitors and easily attract consumers who want to take a closer look at the business they are buying from.

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