Manal Haddad

How to Prevent Workplace Bullying?

A corporate culture that values the mental health of its employees benefits from high employee productivity and motivation. Employees who feel understood, valued, respected, and included remain focused and determined to do their best.

Organizations that neglect their employees and harbor a culture of workplace bullying suffer from poor employee productivity. Bullied employees become demotivated, and depressed, start consuming anti-depressants, develop low self-esteem, and lose their creative abilities. In the long run, the organization starts losing out on its valuable employees.

Hence, organizations must take all the necessary measures to develop a healthy corporate culture. Continue reading below to learn about the ways organizations can prevent workplace bullying.

How to Prevent Workplace Bullying

Develop a Proper Human Resource Department

A well-developed human resource department with empathetic HR managers establishes transparent corporate communication. HR is responsible for managing employee disputes, communicating employee problems and suggestions to the respective departments, and ensuring that workplace bullying is prevented.

Encourage Employees to Report Problems

Often, employees suffer from workplace bullying in silence because they think their employers will not address the issue. As a result, their productivity keeps declining, and their mental health deteriorates.

Hence, employers must encourage employees to report problems to their superiors as soon as they face them. You can hang signboards, pass pamphlets, or send weekly emails that request employee feedback and encourage them to give honest reviews.

Doing so allows the employees to feel heard and valued. As a result, their productivity improves, and workplace disputes are solved quickly.

Develop Proper Workplace Procedures

Develop chart flows and work procedures that guide employees’ everyday tasks and responsibilities. New employees are often confused about their tasks and work procedures. Confusion and lack of sufficient guidance lead to employees making lots of mistakes.

Consequently, they get criticized and called out for their poor performance. Hence, host proper orientation weeks and have workplace ushers that help new employees adjust to their work responsibilities.

Host Monthly Meetings to Discuss Problems and Solutions

Hosting weekly meetings to encourage employee participation and interdepartmental interactions helps develop a positive and friendly workplace ambiance. The meetings should discuss employee problems without targeting one single employee. By the end of the meeting, employees and employers should come together to develop practical solutions to cater to every discussed problem.

Take Employee Suggestions

Ask your employees for suggestions and recommendations other than just sorting the departmental disputes. For example, you can ask each department to come together to develop a proposal that will improve employee productivity, allow better communication, and prevent workplace bullying.

Final Thoughts

Organizations that invest money and time in developing healthy workplaces benefit from high employee morale and productivity. To prevent workplace bullying, organizations should emphasize employee suggestions and recommendations and ensure that the HR department solves employee disputes in a timely fashion.

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