Manal Haddad

Emerging Sales Trends of 2021

With a new year comes new trends in the sales world. From surprising new sales channels to innovative retail technologies, here are the emerging sales trends of 2021.

Top 2020 Marketing Analytics Tools

Selecting the right marketing analytics tools will allow you to optimize your marketing campaigns. Find out the top marketing analytics tools and how they can help you achieve your goals.

How to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a tool that can cover multiple levels of customer engagement in one go. Read more to learn 5 useful tips to improve your email marketing campaign.

4 Ways to Use Technology in Sales

In today’s digital world, all sales managers need to incorporate technology into their everyday sales and management tasks. This is …

Tips for Marketing on a Budget

Marketing is the most vital tool for any business to grow its reach and get more customers. With growing competition …

4 Reasons Why Having a Marketing Strategy is Important

Many businesses are yet to discover the importance of developing a well-thought-out marketing strategy. From social media marketing to billboards and other …

4 Terrific Digital Marketing Tools You Need to Watch Out for

Digital marketing is on the rise. It has changed the dynamics of how we perceive and respond to an advertisement …

Generating Sales Through Your Website

Why have you set up a website? The core goal of every entrepreneur is the same. Target the online and …

Taking a Closer Look at How the Nature of Sales Has Evolved

Over the years, the consumer market has changed which has led to the evolution of the nature of sales too. …

Selling to Millennials – 4 Tips on How to Sell Well to Them

With each passing year, the market demographic is changing. Millennials are quickly becoming the majority in most markets. Marketing techniques, …

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