Manal Haddad

Gen Z Skills Gaps Reveal Workforce-Wide Erosion of Social Skills

Generation Z is often called “digital natives” due to their upbringing in a digital era, where technological gadgets and the Internet have been integral parts of their daily routines since birth. Members of Gen Z utilize the Internet for a wide range of activities, including online shopping for groceries and engaging in online dating. Research suggests that Gen Z typically spends at least eight hours per day online!

Despite the significant amount of time that Gen Z spends online, a recent survey conducted by Salesforce indicates that only 32% of them feel sufficiently prepared in terms of essential digital skills required in the workplace. The numbers are even lower when it comes to more advanced skills such as cybersecurity, AI, coding, and data encryption. Specifically, only 1/5 of Gen Z respondents believe they possess coding skills, 18% in cybersecurity and data encryption, and a mere 7% in AI.

It is projected that Generation Z will constitute around 27% of the labor force by 2025. This demographic encompasses people born between 1997 and 2009. Consequently, it is essential to address these skill deficiencies to ensure the future success of organizational teams.

How the Gen Z Skills Gap Impact Employees and Businesses

According to a recent survey, 92% of businesses emphasize the significance of possessing fundamental digital skills for their organization, considering it an essential skill they seek in potential candidates. Furthermore, this requirement will escalate in the upcoming years, as 60% of employers anticipate a greater dependence on advanced digital skills.

Studies indicate that 76% of companies acknowledge that insufficient digital skills could impact a business’s profitability, highlighting the potential harm of the Gen Z digital skills gap. This gap may result in decreased productivity in the workplace, as Gen Z workers might face challenges in effectively completing tasks or adjusting to changing work settings.

Ways to Close Gen Z Skills Gap

Invest in Digital Skills Training

Gen Z has grown up in a digital age, often possessing strong digital skills. However, there’s always room for improvement and specialization. Businesses can offer training programs focused on digital tools and platforms relevant to their industry. This might include data analytics, social media marketing, coding, graphic design, or video editing courses.

Provide Continuous Learning Opportunities

Gen Z values learning and personal development highly. Offering continuous learning opportunities, such as online courses, workshops, webinars, and mentorship programs, can help them acquire new skills and stay updated on industry trends.

Offer Internship Programs

Internship programs provide valuable hands-on experience for Gen Z individuals entering the workforce. By offering internships, businesses can expose Gen Z to real-world scenarios, provide mentorship opportunities, and develop practical skills. Some companies even offer paid internships, making them more accessible to a broader range of candidates.

Foster a Culture of Innovation

Gen Z thrives in environments that encourage innovation and creativity. Businesses can foster a culture of innovation by encouraging experimentation, rewarding risk-taking, and providing resources for pursuing new ideas. Creating innovation hubs, organizing hackathons, or implementing idea-sharing platforms can engage Gen Z employees in problem-solving and skill-building activities.

Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion initiatives are essential for attracting and retaining Gen Z talent. Businesses should strive to create diverse and inclusive workplaces where all employees feel valued and respected. This includes implementing unbiased hiring practices, providing diversity training, and creating affinity groups or employee resource groups.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can effectively address the skills gap within Generation Z and create an environment where young talent can grow, develop, and contribute meaningfully to the company’s success.

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