It would sound strange if one were to believe that person owning an enterprise were to base his decisions – each of which will be as big as the last one or the other that is to follow – and leave the results to chance. It would be hard too for people who have grown up learning to take baby steps and being patient to see the fruits emerge.
However, in an industry that’s constantly growing, entrepreneurs do need to stop over thinking their pursuit of happiness and delay their growth by believing it’s not the right time or that they don’t have enough for a successful business plan.
“Paralysis by Analysis”
Fearing the outcome has a negative impact: it dampens creativity and innovation and reduces productivity. Some, as they say, actually seek refuge in this for the sake of their procrastination because it makes sense not to start a business without having weighed down its pros and cons first. But the truth of the matter is, that’s one reason why startups fail.
The phenomenon as one expert calls it is not going ahead with an action after having overanalyzed it. Over thinking can make easy tasks appear complicated with the person focusing their energy on basics that were irrelevant for the activity at the point. You cannot be assertive or confident that way and that, quite honestly, won’t help make a good impression. Connect the dots, and you see that obsessing over the little details will not help your business at all.
Take the Leap
As individuals, we vary in our priorities. While dotting the I’s is something you would notice, most others would just ignore. They don’t have the time and therefore you might fare better if you shift your attention to making the project useful for the client.
How to Plan for Success – or Failure
I don’t mean to imply that you might fail as that’s not motivating at all. Planning for failure will allow you to think ahead and be practical regarding your possibilities in the market. It will also encourage you to take risks since you will be better prepared to try other prospects if one happens to fail. In other words, it will allow you to improve your approach and methods that will eventually help you take on bigger fish without fear.
So, in other words, this makes you more objective. By considering your errors that you were otherwise ignoring while being emotionally attached to the initial perspective, you will improve your business skills slowly yet surely. Instead of losing sight, it’s important to keep a clear mind, to execute automatically and trust your instincts, in order to make good decisions.
When you accept the fact that even leaders are not perfect, you will try to adapt rather than being self-centered. You will be comfortable to practice and develop new skills and boundaries for yourself, adopt the latest technology early on rather than remaining zoned out forever and missing out on money making opportunities.