How to Rate the Leaders You Come Across

Every manager likes to call themselves a leader nowadays, but true leaders have certain qualities that allow them to stand out. While looking the part is important, if you’re trying to sift through the people you come across for those who possess true leadership qualities, the following tips are points you should take into consideration that will help you judge and rate the leaders you come across.

All for One, One for All

Leaders need to be able to have a ‘we’ mentality that colors their decisions. In their role, leaders have to consider the consequences of their actions and other endeavors that have an impact on the people working under them. A leader who only thinks in an ‘I’ point of view might lack the foresight needed to make important decisions.

Magnifying Exaggerations

While leaders play a huge role in the direction of a company, how much of a contribution did they actually make and how much do they talk about it? Good leaders do not micro-manage and give credit where credit is due. On the other hand, if the leader isn’t acknowledging the contribution made by their team, they might create resentment in the team.

Clarity of Vision

A leader shouldn’t just be going with the flow. They need to have a vision of where they want to be, with or without the company. Everything they do resonates deeply and while just winging it is a good strategy sometimes, even then, a leader knows just how they want the end product to turn out. A leader without a vision can be rather brittle and volatile to work with.

Defining Values

Every person has certain values and morals that define their work ethics as well. If their values matter to them, their statements, actions, and words illustrate them implicitly. Leaders who value creativity will encourage others to be creative as well. Furthermore, people who consider their values as important to their goals are among some of the best and most determined people.

Foreign Languages

It’s not always necessary for a leader to talk in different languages but it is a plus point. Someone who is fluent in more languages is also capable of connecting with more people. Workplace diversity plays a huge role and having a leader who can communicate effectively with everyone who is part of the team can create a feeling of goodwill and community.

Depth and Perception

The depth and perception abilities of a leader can give you insight into the kind of thought process a leader has. The ability to rationally relate seemingly unrelated concepts to form a coherent idea is a skill that a leader needs to possess. Oftentimes, things aren’t always what they seem and to be able to see through the layers to the truth inside tells a lot about the wisdom of the person.

While these aren’t hard and fast rules, they do shed light at showcasing the leadership qualities a person posses and to evaluate the leaders you come across. There can be good and bad leaders since, at the end of the day, they are human after all.

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