Manal Haddad

Quality Assurance for Your Dairy Business

Dairy products are consumed widely around the world. The dairy industry itself is huge and highly competitive. Quality assurance has always been a major factor in the success of this business, but people have always been doubtful of almost every product available in the market when it comes to quality.

Customer satisfaction is a basic need for growth of every business, and in the dairy industry, quality encourages satisfaction.

If the quality of the product is not good, it may cause major health issues for the consumer. Obviously, your business will also suffer greatly.

In order to maintain a high level of quality, strict measures and a proper check and balance should be kept.

Here are some tips to ensure that your business is able to offer quality dairy products;

Sanitizing the Factory

The foremost thing to do is to maintain a clean workplace and machinery. Cleanliness is very important, more so here than in most other industries. The dairy and the workers should be sanitized to prevent any kind of contamination from inside or outside the factory.

Animal Health

The health of the animal from which the product is being obtained is vital for quality assurance. Make sure the animal is healthy and safe from any kind of disease.

To maintain proper health of the animal, some measures that are necessary to take include giving the animal proper diet, weekly tests to rectify any health issues, keeping a clean atmosphere, maintaining an adequate temperature and a proper dumping ground for the waste material, etc.

Safe Extraction Process

As soon as the raw material is extracted from the animal, it is at high risk of contagion. It is essential to make sure that extraction is carried out safely with adequate and sanitized machinery.

The atmosphere is also important when extraction is in process. Unsuitable atmosphere can cause the primal matter to decay or rot.

Laboratory Tests

You may have taken all the safety precautions for quality control, but laboratory tests are still needed. At every stage, adequate laboratory tests are to be done to make certain of the quality.

These tests also ensure that the process being used in your factory is safe and doesn’t compromise the product’s attributes.

Temperature control

Whether it’s the raw material or the final product, the temperature needs to be checked and maintained accordingly. The temperature should not be below or above the optimum temperature.

Dairy products, procedures, and raw materials have very precise temperature requirements to ensure maximum nutrition count. The slightest change in thermal readings can be a losing bargain for the quality, and it may even cause the product to decay.

Using Fresh Material

Stored raw material can be used if it is pasteurized and preserved at the right temperature. But it is recommended to use fresh material as it ensures maximum quality and give out highly nutritious product that can benefit health in numerous ways.

In the correct atmosphere, the material may not get contaminated or rot, but a slight taste change occurs. Although it is safe from creating any kind of health issues, but the quality still suffers.

As John Ruskin says, “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.”

It surely will take a little bit of hard work to maintain a proper atmosphere and keep a regular check on the cleanliness to get maximum quality, but you will know that it’s worth it.

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