Getting plenty of traffic to your website is definitely a great thing and something everyone wants for their business. However, if the traffic doesn’t convert into something meaningful, such as a download, sale, or registration to your email list, then it’s really of no use.
While there are certain exceptions, perhaps you are trying to create buzz around your brand. Nevertheless, most of the time, you want your traffic to convert. Otherwise, it’s just a waste of your effort and time.
In this article, we will discuss some effective CRO tips to boost conversions.
1. Add Pop-Ups to Your Website
If you use pop-ups the right way, you can get a conversion rate of around 10 percent.
Here are some effective tips for boosting the conversion rate using pop-ups.
- Try various offers (premium content, PDFs, other giveaways, etc.) until you find one that’s perfect for you.
- Keep a 30-second delay timer on the pop-up, so it doesn’t get too irritating.
- Have an easily visible close button on the pop-up
- Use cookies, so the pop-up only comes once per visitor.
This combination will give you a significant increase in conversions. Plus, you won’t irritate any of your visitors!
2. Remove Distractions
Your landing page should be concise, clear, and user-friendly. If it’s not important, do not add it. Only keep things that your visitors want and nothing else.
Ideally, the following things are enough to have on your landing page –
- Headings and subheadings
- Features and benefits
- Reviews and/or testimonials
- Attractive and appealing visuals
Other things you may have to include a live chatbot and videos. Just make sure that whatever you have on your landing page is relevant. You want to keep your visitors focused on only your offer!
3. Improve Page Load Time
Page load speed is extremely important when it comes to conversions. Your visitors expect your website to load within seconds, and if it doesn’t, you should start working on it!
In simple words, the faster your website load time, the higher your conversions. Here are some statistics to prove this.
- According to Amazon, a one-second delay in loading time can result in yearly losses worth $1.6 billion!
- According to Kissmetrics, a one-second delay in loading time can reduce conversions by up to 7 percent.
- A study conducted by Soasta revealed that mobile pages that load one second quickly increase conversions by nearly 27 percent.
4. Add Reviews and Testimonials
A great way to build trust and promote sales is by adding referrals and testimonials to your website. These are shown directly after the details and features of a specific offer. This is because they indicate that everything being offered is reliable, credible, and dependable.
Last Few Words
Go ahead and try out these powerful and effective CRO tips. We are sure that they will help you understand the complex phenomenon of conversion rate optimization.
Bear in mind that conversion rate optimization is a continuous process. Even if you implement the above-mentioned tips, you should always look for ways of improvement.