Learn to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan THAT WORKS!

To the newbies, social media marketing may sound simple. You create a social media account for your company on a platform, …

3 Social Media Tools to Boost Traffic Conversion

Marketing stars, like you, know the importance of social media in the present age marketing paradigms. It helps increase brand …

A Guide to Winning over Millennials through Social Marketing

One of the most effective ways to reach out to millennials is through social marketing. A majority of millennials are …

Why You Shouldn’t Limit Your Marketing to One Social Media Platform

When it comes to using social media for marketing, the main complication arises in deciding exactly which platform to utilize …

Where To Focus To Improve Conversion Rates: Signups, Checkouts And Social Sharing

Conversion rates represent the fraction of the prospective clients who perform a certain action that you want them to. For …

Marketing Trends You Should Consider for 2017

When it comes to marketing, there are plenty of trends that make a huge impact on the end result of …

The ABCs Of Creative Marketing

To capture a greater market share, companies must adopt a variety of marketing strategies to promote their business. The high …

Why You Need to Put Your Business Up on Snapchat

When it comes to using social media, there are so many mediums that a person has to embrace that there …

Social Media Checklist For Business

BLOGGING Write new blog posts every week. Make use of keywords.   FACEBOOK  Update your company page daily! Post interesting …

Why you need to avoid the Buzzwords in Advertising for Perfect Targeting

There are so many buzzwords in advertising that we often forget to see the real meaning behind them. Even if …

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