Manal Haddad

Why Big Data Is a Must-Have Tool for Businesses Looking to Stay Ahead of the Game

Big Data refers to extensive, complex data sets that traditional data processing methods cannot manage. These data sets are characterized …

Exploring Alternative Funding Sources for Businesses- A Comprehensive Guide

As a business owner, one of the biggest challenges you may face is securing funding for your company. Traditional funding …

Environmental Issues That Businesses Are Required to Address

Business activities, predominantly those involving fossil fuel use, have largely contributed to global environmental issues. Overconsumption of non-renewable resources and …

The Growing Influence of Millennials

Millennials born between 1981 and the late nineties are the largest generation in the U.S. workforce.

Navigating Global Uncertainty | Embracing Change in the New Normal

Global uncertainty has become the new normal in today’s rapidly evolving world. Organizations must develop effective strategies for global uncertainty …

Unleashing Innovation: Overcoming Barriers for Transformative Growth

Innovation catalyzes transformative growth and success in today’s dynamic business landscape. However, organizations often encounter barriers that hinder their efforts.

4 Skills Required to Run a Successful Trading Business

Undoubtedly, international trade is probably one of the fastest-growing industries to date. Export-import companies use the internet’s development to attract …

The Impact of Inflation on the Consumer Purchase Decision

With an economic slump, higher interest rates, and prolonged inflation, higher interest rates, it’s no surprise that customers feel more …

The Future of the Role of Business in Society

The Coronavirus has shown that certain business issues are so daunting that they cannot be overcome. However, it also demonstrated …

How To Make Your Business Operations Efficient

Are you facing a slump in your business performance and efficiency? The need to bring about the desired transformation may …

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